No matter what summer skin problems you’re facing, there’s a way around them. Let your golden glow come out and feel fierce. That’s what the season is all about. And sangria. It’s also about lots of sangria.
Getting Rid of 3 Summer Skin Problems
Annoying, awful acne
Many of us experience acne breakouts over the summer because of the added sweat that mixes with sunscreen. This oily mixture can clog our pores. Ugh! Thankfully, there are all kinds of acne treatments available to minimize and keep any nasty blemishes at bay. However, your best line of defense is to regularly cleanse your skin. When you’re at the beach, carry a towel with you to blot any sweat. Wear a hat or a headband to minimize the risk of intense sweating. And whenever you get the opportunity, give your face a cool wash. Also, while you should definitely use sunscreen when you’re out in the sun, don’t overdo it.
Skin conditions like psoriasis
Psoriasis is a painful skin condition, and is usually brought about by stress and a low immune system. If you haven’t experienced this problem before, then chances are, you’ll be free from this itchy skin condition over the summer. However, take note if you have previously suffered. While the sunlight can alleviate possible symptoms, the condition can also flare up and worsen if you are stricken with sunburn. Your doctor can advise you on how to manage the condition, and might also give you a warning about the medications you regularly use. Cyclosporine treatment, Inspire is one such treatment for this summer skin problem, but because it can also increase the risk of developing skin cancer, you will need to take extra precautions when out in the sun for extended periods of time.
Nasty bug bites
Many insects love the summer as much as we do, but with them come nasty stings and bites that can trigger inflammatory skin problems. Specifically, mosquitoes and ticks are the biggest culprits. The best course of action to keep these little pests off of you is to cover your skin when possible. Wear light, long-sleeve tops and bottoms when you know you’re heading into an area where bug bites are possible. And wear a hat to shield them from your face! Carry a bottle of bug repellent with you too, perhaps opting for one of these natural repellents that are kinder to both your skin and to the earth.
This “Summer Skin Problems” post was contributed to The Lady-like Leopard.