Being Bullied IRL & Online Made Me a More Tigerish Person, and I’m Thankful

Feeling Tigerish & Overcoming Bullying | The Lady-like Leopard

First of all, let’s start with the dictionary definition of tigerish. It simply means “resembling or likened to a tiger, especially in being fierce and determined.” For example, I felt tigerish after having mean girls tell me I was fat, ugly & going nowhere in life. Strange, right? Well, I guess that’s just part of my personality—I like to turn the negatives into positives. And feeling tigerish is a direct result.

Throughout my life, there has been a handful of bitches who seemed out to get me. They wrote awful comments about me online. They shoved me in public and whispered hateful comments in my ear as they walked by. And some of them even made nasty phone calls to me from blocked numbers. (Sorry babe, but blocking your phone number doesn’t block your voice.) Yet, I left most of these encounters & situations feeling tigerish like never before.

Things could have gone one of two ways. Either I let them get me down and let myself believe what they said was true. Or I could pick myself up and channel that weak energy into becoming the best me possible. Even if I may have believed them at first, those thoughts vanished. After all, I want to live my fiercest life, regardless of what people say about me. Don’t you?

Being Bullied Left Me Feeling Tigerish, But Why?


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One of my favourite comments was from two venomous girls in high school who told me I was a “fashion wannabe.” At the time, I was confused. Of course I was a fashion wannabe! I wanted to be in fashion. After all, we were in the same Fashion Studies class together. It was obvious. It hurt my feelings more when they told me to stop idolizing Kate Moss because I’d never be as skinny or pretty as her. This may come as a surprise, but you don’t have to want to be someone in order to admire them.

Another bully that I encountered in my 20s was way more ruthless. One time at an event, a woman complimented me on my Zimmermann dress. The bully overheard this and made it his mission to come tell me that “she was lying” because my dress was “ugly AF.” I’ve never felt more confident than when I’m wearing that dress and I know it’s not ugly.

This toxic male has taken videos of me when I’m not paying attention and sent them around social media. He has full-on body checked me in public. Also, he told me I am the sole reason why “fat girls shouldn’t wear white.” In my mind, all I can think is:

If you hate me so much, why do you spend so much time & energy focusing on me, my wardrobe, my face & my life?

Ultimately, feeling tigerish comes down to a few key things: I’m determined to have a fabulous life, I feel empowered by my own strength, my fierceness is through the roof and I’m relentless in reaching for my dreams. Just remember that you can survive whatever poison comes your way. And if you need a reminder, check out my guide on living your most powerful existence.

I’ll end with a tweet from 50 Cent that, believe it or not, is extremely motivational: “If you let your past be a lesson, your present can be a gift, filled with motivation for your future. Fuck a hater, let’s get it.”

Melina Morry Signature - Fashion Blogger at The Lady-like Leopard

All “Feeling Tigerish” photos by Evangeline Davis.


  1. M

    Great post! I can completely relate as well, some women are just bitches to other women for no particular reason. Keep doing you.

    1. ladylikeleopard

      You got that right! Stay fierce 🐆

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