After Five Years in The Six, I’ve Fallen Victim to Millennial Restlessness
For starters, I grew up on an island—Victoria, B.C. born & raised baby! Although, inside I always felt like a big city girl. Unfortunately Vancouver Island just couldn’t offer me the type of life that I wanted to live: glamorous, bustling & sky-scraping. Truth be told, it was always my dream to live in Manhattan but I couldn’t be bothered at the time to deal with Visas and all that; Toronto was the second runner-up. So, I bought a one-way ticket and off I went.
The night before I moved, I sat in my bed and cried and cried and cried. I was scared to death! Was I making the right move? Would I be able to make new friends? Could I find a decent job? Where would I live? In the end, I pushed all those feelings aside, zipped up three suitcases containing my entire life and hopped on the plane. Yes, I was nervous, but I wasn’t about to let that fear ruin what I hoped would be a fabulous, life-changing decision.
However, now that I’ve been here for exactly 5 years, I’m starting to get that millennial restlessness feeling again.
I recently read an article that stated that 41% of millennials move to a new city with zero intention of staying there permanently. When I first moved to Toronto, I think I had every intention of staying here forever. I fell madly in love with the city. It was so different from Victoria that I was constantly walking around with a feeling of awe. The buildings were so tall and oh my god, transit ran past 10pm! Five years later, however, I’m itching to find awe-inspiring experiences somewhere else.
Sometimes millennial restlessness scares me. I want to settle down in one city. I want to have a place to call home. When the time comes to raise a family, I want to stay in one place. After all, I can still travel to new places when I get the urge. That’s how our parents and grandparents did it, right? Occasionally I regret making such a big move—but only when it comes to my family. I miss them so much. With half of my family in Victoria and the other half in Sydney, I question why I chose to live away from both. But living here has been great in so many other ways.
So, will I end up somewhere else? My boyfriend has been talking about living in Los Angeles and even though I feel distinctly New York, I think I could handle that. We’ll have to wait and see!
All photos for “Millennial Restlessness” by Evangeline Davis.