This year, I want to put my full effort into my fierce goals and make sure that I become the woman I’ve always wanted to be. If you want to have the fiercest year of your life, follow these 13 fierce goals too! Let’s do this thing together.
13 Fierce Goals to Make 2019
Your Best Year Ever
1. Focus on yourself
What are your dreams? What do you want to accomplish this year? Stop listening to what other people think you should like or who you should be. It’s your life! Take charge of yourself in 2019 and set your fierce goals to revolve around everything & anything that makes your heart flutter.
2. Delete people from your life
It can be really hard to delete people from your life, but I’m telling you right now, it’s worth it. I’ve had “friends” who have literally bled me dry emotionally but somehow I felt bad for them and kept them around. That is one thing that is definitely not going to happen this year. Remember: quality over quantity.
3. Wear more animal prints
I’m serious! I didn’t just put this in here because I’m personally obsessed with animal prints—which, I very much am—but because of the boost of confidence they give you. Animal prints can help you feel fiercer than anything else in your wardrobe. If you’re taking your first steps into the fashion jungle, here are some key printed pieces.
4. Travel to somewhere you’ve never been
I’ve found that over the last couple of years I’ve only travelled to places I’ve been before: Sydney, Lima, New York. And this year I want to change that. Although it can be nice returning to places you’ve been to, I want to experience something new. It doesn’t even have to be far—I’d be fine with Boston, Chicago or even experiencing Montreal in the spring.
5. Read more books
And I don’t mean e-books. Sorry not sorry. Your eyes need a break from looking at a screen all day (don’t even try to deny your bad insta habits) and there’s nothing like picking up an actual book. Last year I read 20 novels and this year my goal is 25. I’m obsessed with going to the library and I always have a book on-the-go at home and at work to read during my lunch break.
6. Focus on a forgotten project
You know that thing you’ve been wanting to do forever but somehow it keeps getting pushed to the back burner? This is the year to do it. For me, it’s writing my first book. I have so many drafts started for different novels, but haven’t gotten around to completing one. (Also, I’m convinced I need to be living in Paris to finish a book.)
7. Drink (more) lemon water
I’m a water fiend. Lately I’ve been switching up my eight glasses a day with a few slices of lemon. Did you know that lemon detoxifies and cleanses your liver? So then you can drink more champagne! No, I’m kidding. But it does help protect your immune system and I swear it also gives your skin a gorgeous glow. What’s not to love?
8. Educate yourself
This year, two of my fierce goals are to brush up on my Spanish and practice Teeline Shorthand. Obviously you all know what español is but if you don’t know about shorthand, it basically looks like hieroglyphics that make it a lot easier to take notes when I’m interviewing someone for an article.
9. Keep a journal
I’ve been keeping a journal for the last 20 years. While that means I have a lot of embarrassing moments written down that I’d like to forget, it also means I have the opportunity to look back on my past achievements, doubts, happiness and overall life. It helps me reflect on my growth as a woman and figure out how to keep my life flowing in a positive way! Also, it makes me glad that I’ve matured so fabulously.
10. Squeeze in more exercise
Okay, we all want to sit down on the couch and binge an entire season of You on Netflix. Right? Well, I made a little goal for myself to squeeze in a little bit of exercise between episodes. The challenge? If I want to continue onto a new episode, I have to do 10 squats, 10 push ups & a 1-minute plank. It might not be much but at least I’m getting off my ass.
11. Be the kindest person you know
As you should and probably do already know, JoJo recently re-released her old albums. On her second album, she has a song called The High Road which was my theme as a tween and is still relevant today. No matter what the situation, you won’t ever regret taking the high road and staying kind.
12. Stop following trends
Fashion trends, food trends, workout trends—whatever it is, just stop. Take the time to figure out what your personal sense of style is, what makes your body feel the healthiest and what you enjoy doing the most. It’s not always bad to follow trends, but don’t lose your true self along the way.
13. Love yourself completely
As Canadian sensation Justin Bieber said, “You should go and love yourself.” Set aside time that’s just for you and indulge in self care. I reserve a chunk of time every Sunday that’s just for me to do a face mask, have a glass of red wine, watch a show I love, read a magazine, give myself a manicure or whatever it is I want to do to show myself how much I care.
What fierce goals are you working the hardest on? Tweet to me @ladylikeleopard & let me know!
All ‘Fierce Goals’ photos by Evangeline Davis.