3 Lifestyle Tasks We Could All Benefit from Taking Care of this December

December Duties | The Lady-like Leopard

As the year draws to a close, it’s a chance to tie up all of the loose ends and get ourselves prepared for the year ahead. Of course, while your days might be filled with festivities and excitement, there are a few ways you can be really proactive this month to set yourself up for success in the new year. Here are three December duties that we should all do to get ready to bring in 2019 with a bang.

3 December Duties We Can all Benefit From


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Clear out your closet

Fashion is fun, and there’s nothing better than experimenting with new clothes. The problem comes when you’re always adding new things to your wardrobe, sooner or later it’s going to burst. And chances are, with so many items you probably don’t even know what you have! The end of the year is drawing closer, so use this as an opportunity to declutter. Go through every item in your closet, donating or throwing away anything that’s worn out, doesn’t fit or that you won’t wear again because it’s out of style.

Start the new year with a more streamlined collection—made up of things you genuinely love and feel good wearing. The same goes for shoes, accessories and staple items. For example, leggings, vests and layering items. With the bulk of things gone that you no longer use, it makes space for the things you do like. And when new trends crop up in the new year, you have room to put them away!


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Sort out your finances

Whether we like it or not, money matters. It allows us to keep a roof over our head, to pay bills, to eat and to live the life that we want. It’s not about how much or little you earn but about how well you manage it. A few simple changes can have you going into 2019 with much more simplified finances. Also, you’ll have money freed up to spend however you like. First, make sure you’re on the best plans possible, from the best unlimited data plan on your phone, to the cheapest and fastest broadband out there.

Providing you’re not tied into a contract you can make the switch and start saving right away. Run things like insurances and utilities through a price comparison site, even a few dollars each week on a bill can add up significantly over the year. If you’re in debt, speak to a charity or debt management company who can negotiate frozen interest and lower repayments, making everything much more manageable.


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Make a healthy lifestyle plan

Many of us start a new year with the intention of getting fitter and healthier, eating better and generally making better life choices. However, the reason that it’s easy to fail is that we go into things with no real plan. We starve ourselves on rabbit food for the first week and then quickly give up. Making a plan now that you can start in January gives you time to make arrangements to buy the right foods, to plan meals and to generally get your head around the idea.

You can come up with ideas about the kinds of exercises you want to do, and even think about asking for a new bike, a gym membership or sportswear for Christmas! Set out your reasons for wanting to make a change, write them all down if you need to. You’re far more likely to succeed when things are properly planned. This is one of the more important December duties because it helps get your whole life in order.

Melina Morry Signature - Fashion Blogger at The Lady-like Leopard

Ps. The last of your December duties is probably Christmas shopping. Check out my animal print gift guide for the fiercest presents money can buy.