Nobody really knows what is best for your skin except yourself. So, how can others help you? The truth is that there are things which apply to everyone, but you need to experiment for yourself and discover what works. Nonetheless, there are things that you should consider basic or essential which are worth looking into in order to keep your skincare strong. Let’s look at what those are now, so that you can be sure of having the best possible skincare regime there is.
How to Fight Your Skin Battles and Win
More than a skin thing
First things first: skincare actually goes beyond just what you normally think of as your skin. It also involves your eyes, your hair, your lips, and so on. Remembering this will ensure that you approach your skincare from as many angles as necessary, and that will mean that you are able to bring about the best possible results in a good amount of time. The more you focus on the many different aspects of skincare all at once, the more likely it is that you will be able to see some fantastic results early on. So make sure you don’t fall into the trap of thinking that skincare is just about the skin. This is a good starting point, so it’s worth thinking about.
Know your own skin
You can’t really expect to be able to do what is best for your skin if you don’t know your skin that well. This is important to remember, because you need to know what your skin type is if you want to choose the right products, clean it properly, and so on. There are a number of major skin types, and it’s good to work out which you have. You have the oily skin, which more people have than you might think, and which is clear to see by the fact that you might have it in many places over your body.
If you just have it in your T-section, it’s probable that you don’t really have over-oily skin, but just a normal healthy amount of oil being produced by the skin. You might have combination skin, which is the most common, and means that you are in-between oily and dry. Or, of course, you might have dry skin, which could require that you use a lot more moisturizer than most people. Whatever yours is, work it out and change your skincare accordingly. It makes a world of difference to how you approach all of this.
Choosing the right products
One of the biggest problems that people run into with their skincare is trying to choose the best products for their skin. To do this, you need to first be aware of what skin type you have (see above), and then you need to experiment with the relevant products for that type. If you are like most people, it will take you a long time to figure out the brand which is right for you, so don’t worry if you need to try out many different kinds before you land on one that you are truly happy with.
Finding your ultimate effective skin care product is time-consuming, but ultimately something which you will be glad to have done, for it is much of the difficulty facing you in the art of keeping your skin as clear and fresh as possible. Once you have the right products, stick to them – but don’t be afraid to test out new products if you think they seem to be right for you. After all, you might always come across an even better product in the future.
The problem of sun
We all know the dangers of over-exposure to the sun. No matter what your complexion is, being out in high-UV too often can lead to some pretty disastrous health concerns. It is therefore a good idea to limit the amount that you are in the sun, but you should not keep out of the sun altogether. At the same time as having the power to harm your skin, the sun is also one of the most essential ingredients for healthy skin.
It provides you with much-needed Vitamin D, without which your skin would not have any kind of glow, and would instead look dull and lifeless. So you should aim to find a good balance between being in the sun the whole time and never going out in it. If you manage to find that balance, you will find that it helps you a lot on your quest to have the perfect skin.
Nutrition & its effects
Those who want their skin to be perfect, but are not paying attention to what they eat, are frankly kidding themselves. Nutrition is one of the most important factors in keeping your skin healthy, and if you are not paying attention to it, you might find that all of your other efforts come to naught. You need to make sure you are eating as many whole foods, and as few processed foods, as you possibly can.
Limit your saturated and oily fats, unless you have particularly dry skin, in which case the fats from fish should help you balance out out. Also, remember to drink plenty of water. A Lot of people turn to moisturizer before they even try to drink more water. In most cases, the latter is all you need to do in order to keep your skin moisturised, even if you have very dry skin.
Pay attention to the above, and you will find that you can make a huge difference to how well your skin looks. It is an ongoing battle for sure, but one which you can win again and again if you are clever and a little careful.