We’ve pulled together a few tips, tricks and bits of advice that will help you make your move less stressful. Meaning that you can actually enjoy the moment a bit more and embrace the change that you are about to experience. Change is an adventure that should be cherished, but that can be hard to do when you are stressing.
It’s always best to start early
Like every good film or novel, time is the pressing matter that causes your heart rate to rise as a spectator. Well, the same principle goes for moving. Sure, time may not be a variable that is in your control and last minute moves can be thrown our way, but if you can allow yourself at least eight weeks to make the transition then you should try and aim for that. Twelve is better but eight is plenty!
Remember: Organization is queen
The more organized you are, the less moving stress will come your way. The best way to do this is to make a list of all the tasks that need doing and then divide them up. There will be some tasks that take a little longer than others, too. Such as asking the post office to redirect your mail, looking for a removalist company, and getting the internet installed at your new place. So, make sure these are a priority. It’s also better to add fewer things to the to-do list of each week. That way you won’t feel so under pressure and, if you do get it done in plenty of time, you can get ahead of yourself. What a feeling.
Try your best to fight against clutter
The less you have to pack and unpack the less stressful you will find this whole experience. That is why you should set yourself some rules to adhere to. For example, if you are thinking of packing something that you haven’t used in over a year, consider putting it in the charity-slash-yard sale pile. Nothing will be more annoying than packing things you will then get rid of after your move. What’s more, a strategic move on this front could see you turn a profit instead of scrambling for money to pay for the move. That’s a win-win.
Many hands will lessen moving stress
Your mom no doubt used to hurl the “many hands make light work” cliche in your face a lot as a child. But now that the shoe is on the other foot, you probably find yourself in agreement. Now, asking for help is never an easy thing to do. But anyone that knows how stressful moving is will probably come to your rescue. Friends and family members are always the best bet, just make sure you don’t invite them all over at the same time. Instead, stagger their arrivals over the course of a couple of days. That way you won’t just have bodies in the way or the stress of playing project manager.
This ‘Moving Stress’ post was contributed to The Lady-like Leopard.