Tips for Beauty in Your 30s
Wear Sunscreen
Try to remember to wear sunscreen every day. You read that correctly: every day! Even on cloudy days, if you are out for too long in the sun, your skin will be affected by the harsh UV rays. It’s just that you might not notice it quite as much on cloudy and cool days. If you are continually exposed to the sun, your skin will start to age prematurely. One other thing to remember is that when wrinkles are caused by the sun, there is nothing you can do about them. Unlike wrinkles caused by stretching, which can be reduced by various beauty treatments. Once the sun creates wrinkles and age lines, they are there to stay!
Exfoliating is one of the steps of a skin care routine that you can afford to forget about while you are in your twenties. However, that will change once you hit your thirties. There are many benefits of exfoliating. But the older you get, it is important as it can help your skin stay soft and supple. It does this by removing the top layer of dead cells. You will be able to find some facial cleansers that double up as great exfoliators.
Thinning Hair
You may not need to worry about thinning hair until your late thirties, but it is worth being aware of this now. As we age, we start to naturally lose our hair. This may start off slowly, but it is a good idea to get on top of it early before things get bad. The best way to prevent losing too much hair is to boost hair growth with specialist shampoos. Just be sure not to get caught up in a hair loss protocol scam.
I’m sure moisturizing would have been the main part of your skincare routine up until now, right? Well, it needs to stay that way. Even once you are in your thirties, moisturizing is a crucial part of skincare. Make sure you are using moisturizer at least once a day. Ideally, apply it just before you apply your makeup. Not only will it help your skin stay soft, but it will also help your foundation and powder stay in place throughout the day.
Find Your Perfect Hairdresser
Sick of your hairdresser not getting you? Now is the time to hunt through town for a hairdresser that truly understands what you want. Once you are thirty, you won’t have time for haircuts that don’t quite cut it. So get out there and find your perfect hairdresser now!
Scared about turning thirty? Don’t be. At least your beauty won’t suffer with these tips!
This ‘Beauty in Your 30s’ post was contributed to The Lady-like Leopard.